Frequently asked questions
We are often asked how to paint a certain item and which product to use. Please see our blog for tips on painting and processing various surfaces.
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers. You can narrow your search by filtering the questions by subject. If you cannot find an answer to your question on our pages, you can email our customer service at maston@maston.fi.
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For the correct CarColor hue, please see our CarColor Guide in the following address: https://www.maston.fi/en/front-page/maalivalitsin-en/automaalit-en.
The best product for painting plastic furniture is ONE. Clean the surface from any dirt or grease by using Maston Degreaser, for instance. Add a very thin layer of Plastic Primer and use ONE spray paint for color. Finish up with ONE lacquer (matt or glossy).
Yes, on most plastics. We always recommend a plastic primer. Before you paint the actual item, please use a small, non-visible area to test that the paint works on the surface. If the surface is not very flexible, you can paint on it with Maston ONE spray. If the surface is flexible, we recommend Maston RR spray paint (tin roof paint).
Yes, you can. When you paint indoors, please pay extra attention on protecting surfaces you are not going to paint. The dust may hang in the air and come down far away from the actual painted area, so make sure to cover everything carefully. For indoors, we recommend out odorless, waterborne Maston Zero spray paint.
Yes, you can. We recommend Maston ONE or Maston Zero spray paint for wood.
Yes, you can. We recommend Maston ONE spray paint for glass.
Maston 2K top coats do not require a primer. However, if you still wish to use a primer, we recommend Maston 2K Epoxy primer.
Yes, you can.
Up to +150 °C.
No, it does not. The lacquer may also be polished and waxed.
With Maston 2K Two spray paint, you can paint on almost any surface painted with a Maston paint as long as the surface is completely dry. For instance, alkyd paints need 7 days and acrylic paints 24 hours. However, please do a test before painting.
Yes, you can paint on Maston alkyd paints, but please be careful and follow instructions regarding drying. The alkyd paint must be completely dry before using 2K.
Yes, provided that the layer of acrylic paint is completely dry, after 24h.
Yes, and even faster than on traditional 2K epoxy paints that need 4 hours to dry before sanding. 2K paint only needs 2–2.5 hours to dry before sanding or recoating.
Yes, you can. Both the spray filler and primer work with car paints.
You can coat a surface painted with a 2K paint with a 2K lacquer of the same product series whenever you want, even after just a few minutes of drying. Products in the same series are similar in their qualities.
Thinning is not necessary in brush application because the surface becomes quite smooth even without thinning. We always recommend applying several layers in order for the film to be thick enough. The coverage is approximately 6–8 m² per liter applied once on a smooth surface.
RUBBERcomp has a soft surface so it does not tolerate hard wear and tear or continuous abrasion very well. Its adhesive qualities are excellent, so it sticks well on EPDM rubber. It has quite similar characteristics to EPDM but it is a bit more elastic, more limited in its weather and ozone resistance, and better in its durability and gas tightness.
The life cycle of RUBBERcomp depends on where the coating is done. For instance, a thick coating sprayed on a car lasts a few years. However, the coating is not permanent.
The paint can no longer be removed. It becomes an ‘ordinary’ paint. We recommend using RUBBERcomp transparent high gloss, a matt spray or canned paint.
Yes, you can. It makes the surface glossy. Take a 10–20 minute break in between, until the surface is dust-dry.
With Maston RUBBERcomp, the maximum painting range is 20 cm. We recommend keeping a distance of 15–20 cm, applying paint very thinly and painting at least four layers.
RUBBERComp is a 1-component paint that should not be cleaned with strong degreasers or cleaning agents with high pH values. We recommend car shampoos and water.
For the best results, we always recommend using the same type of paint from top to bottom. For instance, acrylic paint can NOT be painted on alkyd paint. However, alkyd paint can be painted on acrylic paint after the acrylic paint has dried for approximately 60 minutes. Acrylic paint can be painted on waterborne Zero spray paint, either wet or when the Zero layer is fully dry. Alkyd paint can NOT be painted on Zero.
Storing temperature should be at least +10 °C. Under no circumstances may it exceed +50 °C. The relative humidity should stay below 40% so that the can will not form rust on the outside.
When painting, the temperature should be at least +15 °C, with the optimum being +20 °C. Sometimes smaller items can be painted at cooler temperatures by ensuring that the paint and the item are warm (taken out from a warm indoor space) and that the air and the item are dry. After painting, the item should be taken to an indoor space to dry, with temperature at a minimum of +15 °C.
One characteristic of acrylic lacquers (AutoACRYL, ONE, ACRYL) is their resistance and protection from UV light.
Maston adhesive spray, as most adhesives, is easiest to remove with xylene. However, please test it first on a non-visible area to make sure that xylene will not damage the actual area to be cleaned.
Canned Hammer paints, smooth and hammered, can be made thinner with thinners available in the Hammer product series.
Zero can be painted directly on plastic and styrofoam surfaces. You do not necessarily need a plastic primer because the paint sticks on the surface regardless. With Zero, you can also paint directly on styrofoam.
No. A surface painted with Zero is not resistant to high humidity.
In order for paint to stick on a chrome surface, the surface must be sanded down to matt. After this, you can use acrylic primers and top coats.
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