RUBBERcomp® Thinner compound is developed specially for RUBBERcomp® paint gun application. The solvents in the mixture evaporate in different phases resulting excellent painting features, smooth levelling, smooth surface and even gloss. Follow mixing instructions. Suitable also as brush painting thinner. Before closing the can after use, poor a little solvent on top of the paint to prevent skinning. Do not mix, close the lid.
Instructions: RUBBERcomp® liquid for paint gun use should be diluted: 70% w/w
RUBBERcomp, 30% w/w thinner RUBBERcomp 76,5% v/v RUBBERcomp, 23,5% v/v thinner RUBBERcomp (= 1 liter RUBBERcomp + 0,3 l
RUBBERcomp thinner) Pressure 2,5 – 3,0 bar, spout 1,4 mm W: Weight V: Volume
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